Tamika Thompson Tamika Thompson

Finding Rest from To Do List Burnout for Christians

Are you a burned out Christian? Rethink the to do list and find rest through Scripture.

There is a war against women of God. One of the enemy’s tactics to create burned out saints is subtle and often robs us without our recognition. An unsuspecting system deterred me from honoring God wisely, though the system was meant to help keep me on task. I had chores, appointments, projects, duties, and deadlines filling every line through this common system with work-related responsibilities. My frenemy supported and burdened me. In case the revelation is still unclear, I am referencing the widely used to-do list that so many of us are familiar with.

My daily to-do list had almost completely taken over my life, but it was no longer a guide for organization. The regular task lists that were meant to prevent my life from becoming overwhelmed, became a controlling dictator. Every moment of my days were accounted for. The feeling of accomplishing an important task, then crossing it off my list, no longer satisfied me. My shoulders felt heavy. Headaches became a frequent guest. My back was tight with sharp, tingling spasms and tenderness. Sleep deprivation became a dance partner.

I was tired of this dance-pushing through tasks, knowing I had exceeded my limitations each day; only, the music never stopped. I understood that duties would always be present, but I dreaded the yoke that was upon my neck and yearned to free myself from its hold on me. I sought the Lord for wisdom to end the vicious cycle of productivity. The Holy Spirit became my teacher, holding my hand and imparting wisdom. Like so many of us, I had unknowingly strayed from God’s protection due to the demands of this world, and even the religious demands that we serve as Christians until depletion eliminates our ability to serve.

God took me back to the basics. I was prompted to read a verse in the first book of the Bible in Genesis.

Genesis 2:2 says, “And on the seventh day, God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made” (ESV Study Bible).


I had veered away from the example that God had set for rest because of life’s demands. The to-do list can be a guide, but I am learning to view my lists loosely, leaving room for the Holy Spirit to communicate when things can wait, which tasks have no business being on the list in the first place, and allowing the Lord to retrain me on how to include spontaneity and self-love into my schedule instead of neglecting the need for rest and rejuvenation.

God’s reminder to remember how he rested, has led our small team to move in a new direction through Princess Dress Store. We have been working hard to implement a focus of relaxation and rest at the heart of our service to women and the community. We are designing the “Girl, Relax!” Blog and newsletter to share loving reminders to rest and enjoy life again in your inbox. We plan to build a community of Christian Women, the Heiress Three One One Community (Revelations 3:11), and redefine what strength looks like.

Strength is not overcommitment and burnout.

We aim to promote balance, rest, and exceptional stewardship by inspiring one another to prioritize mental, physical, and spiritual wellness. Our new upcoming line, “Girl, Relax!” celebrates the heart of our message. You can view the new Girl Relax products on November 12th. Until next time…Girl, relax. Love yourself. Nurture yourself. Take a break. Keep your crown in place.

Tamika Thompson

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